Budapest Water Summit Statement
Following the UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 [“Rio + 20”] a water summit was held in Hungary, primarily to develop a global ‘water development goal’ for Millennium Development from 2015. The ‘Budapest Water Summit Statement’ is the result. This 6-page statement [see URL below] expands on seven main outcomes from the Summit, with brief headings: 1) Water is fundamental; 2) Water unites; 3) Water connects; 4) Water and ecosystems; 5) A dedicated water goal; 6) Capacity development for water; 7) A robust inter-governmental institutional mechanism. The water goal, 5, would be supported by specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound [SMART] targets related to: drinking water, sanitation, integrated water resource management, re-use, pollution, resilience including to climate change.Source: